͡к Level Drag ͧ PS Group ͡ Pheonix 10W 15WѺ  СǶ֧ѡ  蹪ͺԹҤسҾ ҤҶ١ ҡҹ  .ѹ  PS Group ͡͡ື к LD ͡ 㹪ͧ͢ BASSART  FORCE  ͡ 2 Ҵ 

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駡з Admin з :: ѹŧС 2010-04-27 11:50:12

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Դ繷 51 (3374322)


ʴԴ ҹ ѹͺ 2013-04-01 12:58:37

Դ繷 52 (3374323)

ʴԴ ҡ ѹͺ 2013-04-01 13:04:40

Դ繷 53 (3378666)


ͧ BASSART 08 СѺ RYOBI safari ꡡ մӷ駤 ٴش

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ʴԴ fishingteam ѹͺ 2013-05-26 15:52:12

Դ繷 54 (3421339)

  Ҥᾧ ǴԺѺѹ banax lexima gt pe4-8 Ѵ֡䫴Ժ ԧ Ͷѧ ըԧ ͡ǹسҾաҢͧҳ ͧͧҤᾧ

ʴԴ ԧѧ ѹͺ 2014-06-13 20:30:32

Դ繷 55 (3423402)

ըԧѺ Ҥç ѡҺҹ ҧҡ

ʴԴ kiss my ass ѹͺ 2014-07-08 01:17:20

Դ繷 56 (3426809)

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ʴԴ Likit ѹͺ 2014-08-27 18:18:30

Դ繷 57 (3434717)



ʴԴ 1234 Ҵ ѹͺ 2015-03-18 13:11:54

Դ繷 58 (3434718)



ʴԴ 1234 Ҵ ѹͺ 2015-03-18 13:12:44

Դ繷 59 (3448047)
cartierbraceletlove Im curious, what did you do with the students who did no work in the classroom? I have been teaching for 5 years now, 5th and 6th grade. I have high expectations for my students, but there are those who, no matter what is done, do not do their work at school in the classroom, even with a variety of assignments to meet each learning style. No matter how many emails or phone calls home, no matter how many trips to the office, the students still dont care. There seems to be a huge lack of parental support. I do my best to give the students time in class to do their work, and whatever is not finished in class becomes homework (yet some still dont do it). How can I avoid assigning homework if work is not being done in the classroom? (and yes, I do try to make the assignments meaningful while aligning to the state standards). imitation love cartier bracelets
ʴԴ imitation love cartier bracelets (twcxnkwv-at-gmail-dot-com)ѹͺ 2016-09-18 04:00:17

Դ繷 60 (4147994)

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ʴԴ ͡ǹѺ ѹͺ 2018-11-26 23:45:41

Դ繷 61 (4182421)

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ʴԴ ~K #QJMu  }hK `xÍ ѹͺ 2019-08-02 14:48:48

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